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Manuale ESG dell'EFPA

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Trova qui tutti i contenuti del tuo Manuale ESG EFPA e altro ancora...


Implication of CSR policy, frameworks example (ISO 26000, INDR)

Norman Fisch

Norman Fisch


II. Engagement: CSR and labelling engagements

Mainstreaming impact measurement and management for investment purposes

Carlota de Paula Coelho

Carlota de Paula Coelho

B Corp Lab

III. Example of the B Corporation certification

Why choose to invest rather than exclude?

François Passant

François Passant

Nordea AM

IV. Engagement: elevating the importance of sustainability issues at compagnies' level

The growing importance of corporate social responsibility to attain sustainability goals

Natalia Celac
 Lisa Klemann

Natalia Celac

Allen & Overy

Lisa Klemann

Allen & Overy

IV. Engagement: elevating the importance of sustainability issues at compagnies' level

Sustainability and greenwashing: unavoidable twins?

Prof. Otto Lucius

Prof. Otto Lucius

BEC GesmbH

IV. Engagement: elevating the importance of sustainability issues at compagnies' level


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