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Manuale ESG dell'EFPA

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Trova qui tutti i contenuti del tuo Manuale ESG EFPA e altro ancora...


SFDR Paper wedding anniversary: how far are we with the implementation of SFDR in precontractual documentation and reporting to investors?

Amélie Woltrager

Amélie Woltrager

Baker McKenzie

II. Disclosure of information by investment firms and financial advisors on the integration of sustainability risks

Obligation for investment companies to integrate sustainability risks in the management of UCITS.

Emanuele Grippo

Emanuele Grippo

Gianni & Origoni

III. Integration of sustainability factors under the UCITS, AIFMD, IDD II and MIFID II regulations.

Sustainability risks and factors to be taken into account by Alternative Investment fund Managers

Caroline Pimpaud
Axelle Ferey

Caroline Pimpaud

DLA Piper

Axelle Ferey

DLA Piper

III. Integration of sustainability factors under the UCITS, AIFMD, IDD II and MIFID II regulations.

What is holding back investiment for sustainability impact?

Alina Neculae

Alina Neculae


III. Integration of sustainability factors under the UCITS, AIFMD, IDD II and MIFID II regulations.

Integration of ESG objectives in the insurance product – What, why and how

Andrew McDowell
Anthony Dault

Andrew McDowell


Anthony Dault


III. Integration of sustainability factors under the UCITS, AIFMD, IDD II and MIFID II regulations.


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