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Manuale ESG dell'EFPA

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Trova qui tutti i contenuti del tuo Manuale ESG EFPA e altro ancora...


Combining green and social through sustainability bonds

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green Exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

Sustainability Linked Bonds (SLBs)

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

A main example of impact investing: Microfinance

Cassiopée Robert Macherez
 Corentin Gata

Cassiopée Robert Macherez

Arendt & Medernach

Corentin Gata

Arendt & Medernach

III. A main example of impact investing: microfinance

Green microfinance services: lessons learnt

Mathilde Bauwin

Mathilde Bauwin


III. A main example of impact investing: microfinance

ESG Insurance and governance

Anthony Dault

Anthony Dault


IV. ESG criteria/approaches in insurance and banking products


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