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Manuale ESG dell'EFPA

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Definition of green bonds and their role in environmental sustainability

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green Exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

Eligible projects for green bond issuance

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green Exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

Issuers, investors and trends in the green bond market

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green Exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

Comparing ICMA’s Green Bond Principles and the EU Green Bond Standard

Paul Chahine

Paul Chahine

Lux Green exchange

II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds

Social bonds and Social Bond Principles

Steven Allan

Steven Allan


II. A main example of impact investing: Green bonds and Social bonds


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